Thursday, April 28, 2016

Another day

I have felt prompted on several occasions to keep a journal. I have sadly, ignored those nudges and put it off. It's time to stop ignoring and start journaling! SO, here goes.

Today started off with me all ready to go to yoga class at the Y, when Ben decided to vomit on himself and it even came out his nose! Poor guy! Also, he was so pouty and felt so bad I stayed home with him and had a movie day with him and Sam. It was a good day for the most part. Sam even stayed dry all day, which is huge for him! He still prefers diapers, I think, but we are making definite progress toward being potty trained! He even stayed dry all night the other night when I forgot to put a diaper on him at bedtime.

The biggest news for today....Ben is now army crawling!!!! I am so proud of him! He is doing so amazing! He is also cutting a tooth, so he should have one within the next week or so. I always hoped he'd get a tooth for his birthday but a month after is still great! So thankful for the progress he is making and for those that have helped him along the way, especially Susan and Kaitlyn, his aides. They are amazing.

Tonight, I went to the local middle school 6th grade band concert. Two of my friends daughters were playing and I wanted to see their concert in addition to seeing what the band program entails as I am trying to decide whether or not to homeschool Lily next year. Unfortunately, in my mind, the band program was not what I thought it should be, so I am probably going to go ahead and homeschool Lily. She can learn an instrument at home where I can teach her. She is smart and with regular practice, I am sure she will be great.

Of course after the band program, I fell completely off the losing weight band wagon as I went to DQ and got a blizzard. I suppose tomorrow will be a better day and will hopefully start with an awesome cycle class! Night!

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