Friday, April 29, 2016

Exhausted, but Excited!

I cannot stand scales. They mock me and are critical and demeaning. Scales are not my friends. I have not owned a scale in a long time because I do not like the temptation to humiliate myself on a daily basis so I have not felt the need to own one in a long time. With that in mind, I started the year without a New Year's resolution to "lose weight" but instead, a goal to be more active and hit my goal of 10,000 steps each day. Have I hit that goal everyday? Heck no! But I have smashed it more than a handful of times!! And I feel better!! That being said, I gave into temptation at a friends house and stepped onto that critical piece of technology and took a look at my weight for the first time in a long was good!! I had lost 14 pounds!! That was over a month ago. I have debated and gone back and forth about the pros and cons to having a scale of my own again. Finally, after a seemingly endless struggle, I bought one!! It is a dial one which is less mocking since it only gives me the gist of how much I weigh versus the decimal increments of my body's mass. I'd prefer not to be mocked. After opening it up, I HAD to try I did. And I have lost another 5 pounds!!! It might not seem like much, but to me, this is huge! I also have thyroid issues so I did not think I would lose any at all until I got my thyroid under control so I am sky high! Take that digital scale!!

Anyway, today was cycle at the Y with Christina and it was intense!! I was dying but it was worth it. I have really enjoyed cycle lately. And it helps I went with Susan. I love having someone to go to classes at the gym with. It is very lonely going by yourself, but not horrible. I still enjoy walking the track, the treadmill or the elliptical by myself so I can listen to my books on tape from Audible. I get really into them.

I ran errands today with Sam while Ben went with Susan to her house. We walked around Sam's Club (the sample store Sam calls it) and got samples of course!  Allen met us there after school. It was really nice to spend some time just the 3 of us. Kindof like a date! After that, we went by Old Navy and the mall, and then to Target. By then, it was time for the kids to get off the bus, so we had to hurry home.

Sometimes I LOVE when UPS comes. Today was one of those days. I got what I had ordered off Amazon for Belle's birthday today! So just before I got on here to write this, I packed up her stuff and got out the things I needed to decorate her birthday card. I cannot believe I will have a teenage daughter on May 12!!! I  miss her like crazy 24/7 and wish things could be different so I could see her more. Maybe one day, right? Anyway, I got her a nice horse coloring book, a mandala coloring book, some cute knee socks and a 36 pack of colored pencils. It's not much, but she loves to color and draw so it'll make her happy, which is good enough for me!

Tonight was pizza night with a Wii U Dance 2015 party! My favorite thing for racking up extra steps. The best part of it though was the fact that the kids didn't just argue and fight the whole time. Bonus for me! Now I'm so SO tired and ready to crash.

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